Slam Dunk | Water Right Technologies


Baicor, L.C.


Slam Dunk™ 0-21-28 Contains organic acids, amino acids and natural biological compounds with growth regulators. Phosphorus is entirely in the plant – usable ortho-phosphate form for maximum growth and development. The high ortho–phosphate is in combination with highly concentrated potassium in the ionic form for maximum uptake, translocation and utilization. This is a combination of two of the essential nutrients required in highest amounts by the plant.

Phosphorus is essential for the myriad energy reactions required in plant metabolism as well as components in the nucleus important in cellular reproduction.

Potassium is necessary for plant water relation’s control, including stomata regulation and transpiration, and enzymatic reactions in glycolysis, Krebs cycle and over 40 other metabolic reactions requiring potassium to function.

This product fits the grower’s need where there is a demand for high concentrations of soluble, usable phosphorus and potassium.

Total Nitrogen (N). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0%

3.0% Urea Nitrogen

1.0% Ammonical Nitrogen

5.0% Nitrate Nitrogen

Calcium (Ca). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.0%